More Tapped Season 3 Stories

“This aquifer is our Colorado River”: Rural residents struggle when corporate farms drill deep for water

From the Governor to the Attorney General, Arizona officials grapple with saving rural water supplies.

Never closer and never farther away: The fight over updating Arizona's rural groundwater law

How a group that was formed to fight the problem resulted in two competing bills, neither of which made it out of the legislature.

Hedge funds and foreign farms get water, rural Arizonans get empty wells

A Saudi presence in La Paz County is already well known. So who else is using the area's water?

From date palms to alfalfa: How Arizona became fertile ground for Saudi farms

What started with a camel handler would grow into a lucrative trade, but eventually ended in exploitation of lax water laws.

Two rivers, one lifeline: Reclaiming the Santa Cruz across borders

US-Mexico collaboration has improved the once polluted and depleted Santa Cruz River. Challenges like flooding and wastewater management persist, requiring new infrastructure and funding. Despite progress, managing water across borders remains ongoing.

A crisis fraught with possibility: How a massive canal set Arizona up for growth

The Central Arizona Project ensured that the states biggest cities had enough water and brought about a farm boom in the middle of the state.

Toxic Waters: EPA and military clash over Tucson’s groundwater cleanup

Families affected by cancer and premature deaths blame a history of polluted water in southern Tucson. The water utility is trying to clean up the problem.

Dry but alive: Rethinking golf's green lawns

Golf is a commonly blamed culprit of Arizona's water woes. How much water goes to the state's courses?

Taming the Colorado

The Colorado River is the most dammed waterway in the US, but what was it like before? We go back to the battle over Parker Canyon Dam and how it changed Arizona's rights to the river's water forever.

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Tapped Season 3
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