More Arizona 360 Segments Stories

State Senator Hopeful Arizona Will Ratify Equal Rights Amendment

A discussion with Democratic state Sen. Victoria Steele.

Ratifying the ERA; Texting While Driving; Aviation Tech at PCC

A look at early initiatives in the Arizona Legislature.

Border Humanitarian Aid Workers See Upside to Federal Convictions

Nancy Montoya reports on the trial's outcome and the origins of the group No More Deaths.

Shutdown Bumps 80,000 Immigration Cases, Judge Says

A discussion with the president of the National Association of Immigration Judges.

Federal Workers Face Challenges as Government Reopens

A discussion with the UA School of Government and Public Policy's Brint Milward.

Roundtable: Government Reopening, Water Conservation, New AZ Republican Chair

Plus, Southern Arizona journalists ask, "Is bipartisanship truly a priority in the Arizona Legislature?"

Shutdown Debrief; Immigration Judge on Backlog; No More Deaths Trial

Plus, a journalists roundtable on the government reopening, water conservation and political leadership changes.

Reforming UA's Title IX Policies

A discussion with new UA Title IX director Ronald Wilson.

The Journey of NASA'S OSIRIS-REx Mission

A look back at the UA-led mission's origins and next steps in 2019.

In Her Own Words: Government Shutdown Impact

One mother in Tucson shares how her family is coping after a month without pay.

Grijalva on Shutdown and Border Security, Drought Contingency Plan

He joined Christopher Conover for an interview at Arizona Public Media.

McSally on Shutdown, Drought Contingency Plan, Priorities in Senate

The freshman senator sat down with Arizona 360 host Lorraine Rivera in Nogales.

Sen McSally; Rep Grijalva; Own Words: Shutdown Impact

Plus, a discussion with the new UA Title IX director Ronald Wilson.

TUSD's Newest Board Member Discusses Priorities

Leila Counts received the most votes for one of two open seats.

Tucson Metro Chamber on Factors Impacting Growth in Region

A discussion with President and CEO Amber Smith.

Democratic Gains Point to Need for Bipartisanship in Arizona House

A discussion with two former state lawmakers about how Democratic gains could affect the legislature.

Selected Archive Filters

Arizona 360 Segments
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